Volunteering with Hope Africa

Mission Outreach

Hope for Africa depends on the volunteer support of people like you. Our volunteers come from all over the world to serve in the orphanages. No prior experience is necessary, but we do ask for a willingness to serve, a tireless commitment to meet the needs of others, and the ability to adapt to unusual situations. To get involved, please fill out the form below.

Please be aware of the following requirements:

* Current passport required
* Must raise your own financial support
* Be over the age of 18
* Commit to a minimum of two years

Language Acquisition:

Since you’ll be living in a foreign country, you’ll be learning a foreign language. Much of your day-to-day activities will require English since that is the common language for team operations. However, it will be important to develop comprehension and conversational ability in Swahili. You will be given a copy of Swahili Handbook for Beginners, before leaving for the field We recommend that you review the Handbook and memorize some key phrases. Once you arrive on the field, you will receive an intensive two-week language training course. Most volunteers find that this training course is extremely helpful for being able to engage the nationals and explore the culture.

What Do Volunteers Do?:

  • Teacher Team – Some Hope for Africa volunteers will serve as teachers for children and teens. It is not necessary for you to have a degree or certification in teaching. All you need is an active mind and a willing heart…and maybe a little bit of patience, too.
  • Orphanage Management – As an orphanage ministry, Hope for Africa needs a lot of help managing the day-to-day operations of the orphanage. The orphanage team will get to help out with crowd control, meal supervision, playtime, bedtime, clinic, and a whole lot of other adventures you may never expect. Think of it as playing with your little brothers and sisters all day long.
  • Food Relief Team – Other volunteers will be engaged in food and water distribution. Food organization, storage, preparation, distribution and extensive bush travel are part of the daily responsibilities for volunteers on the Food Relief Team.
  • Survey Team – The survey team members help out with anthropological research in rural areas. A crash course in anthropology, plus some basic training in survey methods are part of the preparation for this team. They will be assisting missionaries and researchers who are learning more about the unreached areas of the country. Travel, dusty roads, personal interaction, and bush survival will be necessary parts of team operations.

You will be asked for a preference as to which team you would like to be part of (first choice, second choice, etc.). During the training, further assessment and abilities will be made regarding your final placement. Team placement is subject to change without notice due to cancellations, additions, and on-field exigencies. You will be cross-trained for the responsibilities of at least one other team.

What Should You Expect in Africa?

Africa will be far different from what you are accustomed to in the United States. The food is different. The language is different. The culture is different. The climate is different. Even the insects and animals are different! Although there are a myriad of differences, people worldwide have the same needs. They need food. They need health. They need water. Most importantly, they need a Savior. Hope for Africa’s ultimate goal is to provide people with the life-changing message of Jesus. You can expect to give your time, your energy, and your comfort. You can expect to be tired, to be challenged, and to be thinking. Despite the challenges, you can expect to be richly rewarded for your ministry.

Am I Ready?

So, are you read to jump in and experience a life-changing adventure? We’re not asking for professionals. We’re not asking for people with amazing skills. We’re simply looking for people who are ready to serve and willing to change. Don’t feel like you have to reach some spiritual plateau or become a better person before you sign up. Pray about your decision, and give the results to God.