Helping Us Help Them

Every day in Africa, 5,760 children become orphaned. In the sixty seconds that it takes you to read this page, five more children will have become orphans, most of them due to the death of a parent by AIDS. Of the millions of orphans, thousands will die of disease, malnutrition, and mistreatment. Thousands more will turn into thieves and hardened criminals. Thousands of girls will be enslaved in the sex trade. Orphanages are needed–orphanages in which the children can receive shelter, proper nutrition, and a good education. More importantly, they need the life-changing gospel. That is what Hope for Africa is striving to do.

You can help. The ministry of orphans is difficult, emotionally-draining, time-consuming, and costly. Yet it is a ministry that is worthy ever drop of sweat, every tear, and every penny. Will you consider giving to Hope for Africa?

Please note: all donations are tax-deductible. You may pay online with credit card or through PayPal. For questions or fundraising information, please contact our Stateside office at (123) 456-7890